The three aspects of IRP
In addition to having the three dimensions discussed above, IRP also prescribes three aspects for reactive processing systems.
例えば、観測可能なソースにクエリ演算子を適用し、その結果をオブザーバーシンクに接続してサブスクリプションを構成するなど、合成を実行するために、(URIを使用して識別された)リアクティブアーティファクトへのプロキシを取得することができます。これは、LINQ to SQL の DataContext などに似ています。
Proxies to reactive artifacts (identified using URIs) can be obtained in order to perform composition, e.g. applying query operators to observable sources, and connecting the result to an observer sink in order to compose a subscription. This is similar to e.g. DataContext in LINQ to SQL.
Definitions to create (parameterized) macros over existing reactive artifacts. This is similar to databases providing views, stored procedures, and user-defined functions.
Metadata describing the reactive artifacts, enabling IRP-compliant systems to discover each other’s reactive artifacts (to facilitate distribution of computation), and to enable tooling used to create client APIs. This is similar to the catalog in a database system fueling tools such as O/R mappers.